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Sarthak Ray’s Project Hamsadhwani Reminds Us That It Is Okay To “Disconnect”

The overwhelming weight of daily life often leaves us completely drained and burnt out, unable to find the energy or the will to keep up with the rush of this unforgiving world. Such a time makes us want to “disconnect” and untether from our everyday mundane activities and enjoy the little things that make us happy. Project Hamsadhwani’s new album titled “Disconnect” chronicles that exact feeling – to make the audience unhinge from the turbulence of their life and let their emotions loose with the flow of the music.

“Disconnect” marks the second album release from Project Hamsadhwani. This 6-track EP explores newer boundaries of the classical-rock fusion genre without losing any of the magic that was laid into the foundations with the previous releases. With this EP, Project Hamsadhwani’s main helmsman Sarthak Ray reminisces his journey from a dark and disturbing time of his life that forced him to unshackle himself, both digitally and in reality, to using his tumultuous state of affairs to make music that would inspire others to process their repressed feelings and emotions. The EP is arranged in a beautiful way where the 4 tracks in the middle feature a bevy of talented musicians distinct with their usage of vocals and a saxophone while the album is bookended by Ray’s own instrumental compositions.

“Disconnect” champions a rock and classical fusion with an ambient tangent. The multifarious tonal usage of the guitar highlights the artist’s songwriting, playing and mastering skills. Regardless of it being the artist’s bedroom project, the album does not lack the panache that the audience usually gets hooked on to. Apart from his masterful musicianship, Ray displays an exceptional prowess when it comes to choosing which artists to collaborate with. Artists such as Samprita Das Roy, Abhiyan Singh, Aditi Sharma, Anvitha, Dhareshwar and Yugansh Gupta added an exquisite flair to the respective tracks with their mellifluous vocals and songwriting skills while saxophonist Abhay Sharma and guitarist Mayank Lawrence use their solos to enrich and elevate the overall feel of the songs.

To sum it up, “Disconnect” not only serves as an inspiration to the audience to empower them to break through the monotony of the iniquitous world, it also advocates the beauty of fusion as a genre and the wide capabilities of the guitar. Ray’s impeccable knowledge of the instrument allows him to explore unplumbed depths of its usage in composing music which is further invigorated with the finesse of his production mastery.

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