Pune based singer-songwriter Deepak Peace has released ‘Sadkon Pe Hain Naujawaan’, a song which signifies the urgency and collectiveness of the student’s movement that has sprung up in response to the decisions of the current political establishment. The students and youngsters are growing in masses asking for change, asking for freedom and this release perfectly sums it up. History has shown that student protests, in India and around the world, have been instrumental in regime changes. A country with growing polarization between those who have sided with power and those questioning it, the music is poignant and reflective of our times. Also, this song is inspired by life and poetry of people’s poet Gorakh Pandey.
This is not the first time Deepak has taken upon his shoulders to stir things up. ‘1947 se AK-47 Tak’ marking Deepak’s second album release, found him furthering his progression into the American folk-rock sound, a music that became synonymous with revolution, giving it an Indian makeover. Delivering a crash course in Indian political history, a commentary on the current socio-political climate, the album was an amazing compilation of Deepak’s satirical writing garnished with simple head-bobbing guitar music. From talking about the Indo-Pak partition, the role of the British in it, the life of the ‘Iron Lady of India’ – Iron Sharmila to talking about love confronted with the wall of fascism and the strands of patriarchy gripping all of us, the massive 10-track album was not just music, it’s was mirror for all of society.

With this release as well, Deepak speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. No sugar coating it, no downplaying it with euphemisms, giving it to you raw and letting you take an offense to the reality that we all exist and live in. Deepak has also been actively participating in the protests in his city, often bringing his guitar along for performances. When asked about his experiences during these protests, he says “I am overwhelmed. This is a huge political transition. And I am glad this movement is not headed or called by any political party. Also, these are one of the most creative protests I have ever seen. Young folks making kickass posters, memes, poetry, songs to say things more clearly and creatively. This is also the reason why this protest won’t fade away easily. This is going to change India forever. Millennials are the hope…boomers ka time khatam!”