Barbie Rajput is a known name in the music circle. Starting her journey from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh at the age of 7, where she started performing on stage and at local level competitions, she is now based out of Mumbai, India and is an independent singer, songwriter as well as an actor. After being part of various singing competition TV shows, the most notable and recent one being The Stage Season2, Barbie started releasing her own music. She put two singles out in 2017 called ‘Minus You’ and ‘Brew My Love Away’ and another single in 2018 called ‘Dust of Purity’. She then followed it up with her first EP out as a singer/songwriter in January 2018. Her latest release is a single called ‘Le Chal Mujhe’ a song reminiscent of the good old Bollywood days.
‘Le Chal Mujhe’ has a vintage Bollywood vibe, both musically and composition-ally. The song deals with the protagonist talking about how she wants to be taken away from a world which she doesn’t really find as complete as she would want to experience. “I wrote it in 2018, been trying to work around it for a while with different producers but eventually I asked Mr. Satish Chakravarthy and he was kind enough to produce it for me. He is a dear friend and has been close to Mr. Rahman for a long time, in the industry, sharing his genius here and there. So yeah. It was fun working on it!” says Barbie.

The artwork of the song was completely produced during the lockdown. Making use of DIY processes in the face of not having the chance to do a proper photoshoot, Barbie asked her mother to click some pictures for the song art near their house and conceptualised it with her best friend who also happened to make the song artwork. About the inspiration behind the track, Barbie says it came through an experience in her life. “I was in a place to get myself to fall out of love with this person and I needed a closure. It was kind of an imagination to ask him to help me heal in a way, and he did, in his own little capacity and we are here – we are friends. I am sure he is going to hear it and have lots to say but he got me, you know, we are cool” she says.
With a long musical career in sight, Barbie Rajput being only 24 years old, it will be interesting to see what lies ahead for her. “I want to make more music, create art, expand myself as an artist. I am looking forward to a newer me everyday.” she says.